Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Opps I did it again.

This wood burning stove reminds us that summer will be over way too soon in Killarney, ON.
The latest in dock carts.

This is a great idea. Put you garbage in this truck bed and then when it's full drive it to the garbage dump.

The pump out guy and his dog arrive.

The turd tug is pumping and people are swimming.

I have no idea what this flag means.

The light house on Strawberry Island.

The water is very clear up here.

Looks like a nice toy.

A cool old boat

Even the sea planes can be trailered.

We're in Little Current, ON in the North Channel. Is this the name of the boat or where it's home port is located?

Oops, I did it again.

How about a boat instead of a pot of gold.

Is there gold on that island?

This could be made into a great loop boat.

This is one fast looking sail boat.

This is where outboards go to die.

No reads anymore.

The plane with our parts have arrived.

Can you guess the name of this sail boat? It was the title of a song.
The native Indians used these symbols to tell others the way thru the area. Turn right in this example.


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