Thursday, July 26, 2007

Before, during and after the Big Chute

As we left Orrilia, ON we followed "Crazy Eights" and another boat to the Big Chute. The photo's in the blog entry before this were taken by the crew of Crazy 8's.
This area is beautiful.
Here we are approching the "Blue Line" for the Big Chute. You let the lcok-masters know you want ot lock thru by docking at the blue line.
Here we start the adventure.
The straps are on. Some people got air in their water line and blew impellers going over the land.
A 45 foot canal boat comes in behind us.
Time to stop road traffic and go to the other side, down a hill to the water.
We are now at our last lock until we hit the Chicago lock. This lock make the 108th. This is a very small lock. It is 80' by 24'.
We're done with locks and now head for the narrow entrence to Georgian Bay past Potato Island.


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