Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Bobcaygeon to Kirkfield

The locals hang on to their cars for a long time.

Meet our new friends, Keith and Liz Rasmussen.

A mink swimming by the Bobcaygeon Inn.

A tree of broken dreams.

The young guys get the most dangerous jobs. They should move the electric wire higher.

It's time to put boats in the water.

A close call putting a boat in the water.

The parade starts. :-) We are ready to leave Buckhorn, ON.

This is why I don't mind the cost of fuel in Canada.

It looks like Liz is telling a fish story. They visited us at the the lock as we passed thru Bobcaygeon with the boat working great. They will visit us in October.

How many boats can fit in a lock?

A busy day at Fallon Falls lock.

The Kirkfield lock awaits. A 50+ foot drop in a bath tub of water.

One can take a cruise on the Trent Severn.

The Kirkfield lock. What a ride.

It looks like you could fall off a hill.

A lock master walks the rail to give us some information.

This is the type of boat you could buy in 1955.

Look at the window shield wiper. It's hand operated.

The locals love fast boats.

Fast boats kissing.

Time to go home.

You can't have a fast boat without "deck fluff".

Fast boats on land.


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