Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Kingston, ON Canada

Russ from the trawler “Work of Art” cooked a Salmon for the loopers and we had a pot luck dinner our last night in Oswego, NY.

The next morning seven of us started off for Canada.

We had to go through the small boat channel and past the light house.

We saw many different types of boats along the way.

We docked at Confederation Harbor before noon. The turret in this picture was one of the ones built in the 1800’s to defend Canada against an attack from the U.S.
Kingston, Ontario has many beautiful buildings.
In 1967 Canada changed their flag to the red and white flag with the maple leaf. Before that their flag had an English Union Jack on their flag. You can see that flag on the tail section of the fighter jet.

We have seen many beautiful Chris Craft yachts along the way but these three are my favorites. The first one was in Oswego, NY and is a 1985 but it looks like it was just delivered from the factory.

In Kingston, ON we saw two older Chris Crafts. The first was a 1951 model.
The second one was a 1931 model.
It was rainy today and it appears that Canadian canvas leaks. Check out the tarps.
We were docked very close to the other in the slip.


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