Thursday, August 02, 2007

Blind River, ON to America

We are now on the final stages of our trip. We left Blind river, ON to day and arrived in the good old U.S. of A around noon at Drummond Island, MI. After checking in with customs we traveled 8 miles to DeTour Village, MI. Tomorrow we leave Lake Huron and enter Lake Michigan.

You have heard of the stairway to heaven, here is the stairway to nowhere in Little current, ON, in the North channel.

A land locked boat in little current. All dressed up and no place to go.
Just having a name on your boat is so over rated.
Our last night at little current.
There is a great story here. Email me and I'll tell you. Maybe I'll make you buy me a beer to get the story out of me.
We hit the trail swing bridge just right as we leave Little Current on the North Channel.
The range markers show the small channel we'll enter soon.
This wind mill is used to generate the power for the Blind River Marina. This is our last night in Canada.
There are some great old boats at this marina.
This boat is used to cut the weeds at the marina.
I have used the laptop and some navigation software to keep me on the straight and narrow on this trip.
That is Drummond Island Michigan ahead. Customs awaits us. We're home again.
We're running with the big boys again.
Oh by the way don't come in the North end of the marina.
Did I mention the big boys hang out around here? :-)
This was once a cotton-wood tree.
Another boat named after a song.
I have seen many Lake Michigan "Circle Tour" signs this is the first Lake Huron one.
Now this is a real "HOG" bar.


At 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was getting all excited, your trip was taking me all around to all the lakes, but you never made it to lake Erie. Bummer I though for sure you would end up in Put-In-Bay... The Best part about me finding your blog and reading it in its entirety is, I was looking for a picture of Fishtown, MI...


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