Monday, June 18, 2007

NJ to the Hudson RIver and New York

High tide came before we could leave Brielle, NJ notice the dock under water.
Saturday morning and the railroad bridge is open for all the boat traffic.

This has to be the smallest fishing boat we have seen.

The ocean was as calm as it gets, Lisa slept most of the way.

As we move into the Hudson River we pass the U.S.S. Intrepid going through rehab.

This is the famous Staten Island Ferry we were told that we were lucky it was the weekend and that many of the ferries and water taxis were not running. Notice the turbulence of the water.
Sue took some great shots of the Statue of Liberty as we passed her.

We also passed Ellis Island on our way to the Newport Marina in Jersey City, NJ.
There were some pretty old yachts in Newport Marina, this one is 93 feet long.


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