Saturday, March 31, 2007

Last Day in St Augustine

Here we see a sail boater's power boat.
Another view of a small Jelly Fish by the dock.

Another sunk boat along the ICW.

It's time to sink some sail boats.

Low tide and two sail boats stuck in the sand.

The old and the new. The city wanted to rebuild the old "Lions" bridge. So they built a new one with a lift section while they re-build the Lions bridge. Once it's finished then they will tear down the new one.

The big problem with this sun dial is there is a tree shading it. Hard to tell the time when the sun dial is being shaded.

Another day another dock party.

For me a little Polish food is better.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Another Day in St Augustine

Who is that man cleaning boats on the dock?
Look it's Ed cleaning his boat. Ed your hat is dorky. :-)

How about this for a pillow. Could you guess the name of the boat that would have such a accessory aboard?

Meet Dennis and Carol McGuire abord their trawler "Freedom". Does the pillow now make sense?

Many boats anchor out but dingy in for water and other supplies.

The motel six in this town is very fancy.

The rental cars in this town are very old.

The days of a simple dash board.

Me and Ed in front of the "Ski" store.

Collette and Sue at lunch. I think we ate at a resturant called "Hot Buns". That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

A flying fish in the marina.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

On to St Augustine

Shrimp boats in Daytona Beach, Florida
Here goes a dock building crew near Daytona.

Now this is one "salty" tug.

We went by many places where they are building boats on the ICW.

This is the St Augustine Light House.

Looks like this guy ran into something bigger then his boat. This boat is on our dock in St Augustine.

The blue colored object is a Man-O-War at the dock.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Last Day in New Smyrna

The fin at the right is a Dolphin fishing near the marina.
Check out the two door station wagon. Looks like an old sufer wagon. The guy wants $15,000.00 for it. Good luck.

Sisters forever.

My brother-in-law Steve and his new bike.

We had a nice visit with Nanny (Sue's mother).

Monday, March 26, 2007

Dinner with the Family

We're going to spend and extra day at the yacht club and also have dinner with the family.
Lisa is the new "Chief of the Boat". Check out her "Red right returning" eye color.

Six for dinner. Left to Right: Ski, Sue, Nanny, Bret, Debbie, and Steve.

Bret is the son of Debbie and Steve.

Here is Debbie, Sue's sister, Sue and Nana (Sue and Debbie's mother) in front of Steve and Debbie's house in Edgewater, Florida.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

On the way North

Traveling along the barge canal was peacful.
The docks at the Sea Ray Boat factory on Merritt Island.

Kids swiming with the Manatee in the barge canal.

Here we are passing the NASA assembly building

The swing bridge had to be open for us. It was only 9 foot high.

Take a close look and it looks like this boat had wings. This should really help it plane.

One of the smaller marinas we've see on the loop.

Sun rise over our dingy, docked at the Symrna Yacht Club.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Harbor Town Marina Merritt Island

This marina has seen better times. It is located on the "Canaveral Barge Canal" The canal cuts thru Merritt Island and onward to the ocean.

Look what they use for dock carts at this marina.

Joanie and Rap visited us at the Harbor Town Marina on Merritt Island. This marina is just off the barge canal.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Ft Pierce, FL

We are on our way to Ft Pierce. The weather was wounderful.
Here is Toby Keith's boat on Jupiter Island.

I guess this Pelican can't read.

Meet my Aunt Irene. She was married to my mother's brother Jack Tripp. I have not seen her for years. She was visiting her daughter in Ft Pierce, FL.

We had dinner with Bill, Andrea, Liza, Sue, Aunt Irene and Bev. My family from Royal Oak, MI

We had lunch with my aunt Irene and her family. Left to right: Bill, Aunt Irene and I, Sue and Bev. Bill and Bev have recently celbrated their 50th Anniversity.

The gang is waiting for dinner.

Dinner is ready.