Wednesday, August 15, 2007

From Chicago to Springbrook Marina

A hazy day as we come close to Chicago.
As we get close to the break wall we see the tour boat "Sea Dog" This boat cut off the foot of a swimer a couple of years ago.
Here is the Chicago light house we are getting close to home.
The opening in the break wall opens to Navy Pier and the Chicago lock.
We're headed for Burnham Harbor as we pass the Planetarium.
Look who's in the break wall.
It was a little busy at Burnham Harbor.
We stayed at Belmont Harbor and really enjoyed the stay. Check out this beautiful Chris Craft.
Any harbor that lets dogs swim is OK in my book.
It was a beautiful morning as we left Belmont Harbor.
A sailor with a sense of humor.
It's a new day and the haze of yesterday is gone.
That's the Chicago lock to the left.
Dime pier to the right. A lot of boats hit this obstruction.
The new lock building looks like a ship.
Lake Point Towers. Sammy the Cub used to live here.
Only in Chicago would you see a construction cone hanging from a bridge.
Can you say "Trump Tower"?
My friend Jerry Casey, captain of the Chicago Lady
Dieter pilots the boat thru the loop as I take pictures.
Can you guess the company who works in this building. They build airplanes.
A past president's family once owned this building along the Chicago River.
Looking North as we head South down the Chicago River.
While waiting for the AMTRAK bridge to open we watched people working out near the river.
This is the famous AMTRAK bridge in the closed (10 feet clearance) position.
A great place to dock your boat and eat.
We're now in the sanity canal and here is how they are tryign to keep the Aiian Carp from getting into Lake Michigan.
Ah, the beautifulk Illinois River.
This barge was so large that we docked at the Joliet wall until it passed.
Dieter got a little Sun today.
Having fun on the IL River. The guy on the Jet Ski stayed with us for miles jumping our wake.


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