Sunday, August 05, 2007

Not a drop of wind as we left Beaver Island.
The sunrise on the water was beautiful.
As we approach Leland, MI we see the sand dune beaches of Michigan.
We arrived in Leland. This marina is run by the town. Our boat is on the right and our new dingy is on the left. :-)
This guys uses two Gold-ens to pull him around. As you can tell it's a mother and son team.
This area is called "Fishtown" in Leland. I bought some smoked fish sausage here.
They love their "Goldens" in Michigan. This one wears sun glasses he's so cool.
I didn't know that the Molly of "Ron and Molly" owned a bussiness in town.
The harbor will not turn anyone away. You may have to raft but the dock hands do all the work for you.
Yes that is a glass table on the back of that boat.
Michigan women a cute but have very flat boosums.


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