Thursday, March 29, 2007

Another Day in St Augustine

Who is that man cleaning boats on the dock?
Look it's Ed cleaning his boat. Ed your hat is dorky. :-)

How about this for a pillow. Could you guess the name of the boat that would have such a accessory aboard?

Meet Dennis and Carol McGuire abord their trawler "Freedom". Does the pillow now make sense?

Many boats anchor out but dingy in for water and other supplies.

The motel six in this town is very fancy.

The rental cars in this town are very old.

The days of a simple dash board.

Me and Ed in front of the "Ski" store.

Collette and Sue at lunch. I think we ate at a resturant called "Hot Buns". That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

A flying fish in the marina.


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