Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Pentwater, MI

We left Frankfort, MI and ran the 65 miles to Pentwater, MI. Lisa likes to take naps under my feet as I pilot the boat.
This is the split screen mode of Nobeltec. I have the chart page and photo page set up.
This is the entrance to Pentwater harbor.
Check out this little boat. It's dinghy is also a car.
My Past Commanders burgee is now being held together with duct tape.
Sue is showing off her birthday present she got from a lockmaster on the Trent Severn waterway. I told one lockmaster it was here birthday and he passed on the information to the next lock where she received the poresent.

Can you guess the meaning of this memorial? I'll give you a hint GAR means Grand Army of the Republic.
Here is my favorite marina store on Lake Michigan. It's only a block from Snug Harbor Marina in Pentwater.
Anyone looking for a yacht?


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