Wednesday, April 25, 2007

On the way to Swansboro, NC

Today we traveled 83 miles South from Bald Head Island to Swansboro, NC. We had 6 1/2 hours on the water and we are really tired. See our last picture of Lisa. The water was so low that the crab trap was not under water at all.
We see many real nice yachts along the waterway.

Check out this small island. It has one Palm Tree on it.

We some times meet working boats on the ICW.

Another good boat buy.

This Marine helo dropped four Marines near the ICW.

These Marines just parachuted out of the helo.

We were waiting for a swing bridge to open near Camp Lejeune when a Marine recon raft came roaring by.

Two Marine Recon units were practicing on the ICW.

Lisa has become quite a "boating dog". He she is after a 6 1/2 hour ride going North today.


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