Saturday, April 07, 2007

Savanh Day 1

We lucked out and found a great restaurant on Killkenny Creek just a foot ball field away from the marina. Great, great food.
The local movie show in the marina.

Sunset at Killkenny Marina in GA.

The "do it yourself" boat lift at Killkenny marina. There is no boat ramp because of the tides.

They still have pay phones at the Killkenny Marina.

The admiral is waiting for me to get back to the boat. The special sea and anchor detail has been called.

Notice the hands on the hips!

After the trimaran passes we'll turn to port and into the Thudnerbolt Marina.

This marina used to be a Palmer Johnson facility. Thus, the large buildings and large yacht repair.

This sail boat has two RADARs and two Satellite systems. Nice.


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