Wednesday, April 04, 2007

A Quaint Victorian Seaport

This sail boater looks to be in trouble.
This is a dry dock section for the Navy near Mayport FL.

We are now on the St Johns River and running with the big dogs.

I have no idea what type of floating something they are building but this was huge. We were very near the sub base.

You can see how calm it was on the inter-coastal today.

The fishing fleet has just returned to Frenandian Beach, FL. We bought some Mahi, Mahi that was caught today. Did you ever wonder if the person who named this fish stuttered?

Here is a salty sail boat getting ready to dock.

You can tell it's low tide on this large floating dock. You can't see the barnacles on the posts at high tide.

Can you believe I caught this on 9 pound test line? I didn't think so.

Why not just say "Pick up you're dog poop?"

This guy is drying his wings after bobing for dinner.


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