Friday, October 27, 2006

The Great White North Tea Ceremony

Bobbie, Roy, Tom, Phyllis and Susan on the 42 foot Grand Banks trawler. This is the same type of boat Sue, Jack, Dolly and I ran aground on a sand bar in Florida eight years ago. These good people are from Vancouver, Canada and are preforming the "Great White North Tea Ceremony."

They had the boat shipped down from Vancouver to the East coast and did the loop. They are now on their way to New Orleans to have the boat sent back in a ship. When they get back home Tom and Phyllis will take a six week trip on their new 47 foot Grand Banks trawler to Alaska.

Last night we went to Zachary's in Columbus with Chuck and Barbara the owners of Columbus Marina.

On the left is Gene & Judy Koetitz (La Que Se A, A.K.A. Jelly Beans)

On the right is Leslie & Doug Folkerth (Happy Clamz)

This was a free concert given by a Katerina evacuee and great musician Brice Miller. This is the second annual "Thank You Columbus" concert he has given. There were many New Orleans musicians playing with him. We had a very good time.



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