Monday, October 23, 2006

In Mississippi

SOrry it's been so long since we have posted but the internet was very slow here.

This is the forth day here at Grand Harbor Marina. Up to yesterday we were the only boat on the dock.
Yesterday three other loopers came in. If we get the mail from Chris today we'll leave for Midway marina, otherwise we'll hang out another day. They have a great loaner car and we have seen Shiloh and the River Musen in Savana.

This is either a cannon from Shiloh or from the WWII Polish Army. I'm not sure.

I think I found a bike for me and Sue. Part Volkswagon, part motorcycle.

Here is the bottom half of a very large Carver just waiting for the top half to be joined. This was at Aqua Marina.

Here a beautiful sunset at Grand Harbor Marina.


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