Friday, October 20, 2006

102006 Perl Divers at Cuba Landing

The strange looking boat is owned by a perl diver. He actually puts on a harness and pulls the boat thru the water as he hunts for mussels that have perl inside. He sometimes dives and has the dog on board to keep people from sneaking up using electric trolling motors and stealing stuff off his boat.

His dog also helps him dock as can be seen in the
next two pictures.

That is Sam Luter holding one of the mussels with the perl material that is sent to Japan for processing.

Sam is the new owner of Cuba Landing Marina. What a nice guy. He took me to Walmart to stock up on supplies then in the afternoon Sue anb I used the marina car to go to Loretta Lynns Musem in Hurricane Mills, TN. Then later we went to the Perl musem in Birdsong Marina.

Sam gives a $0.10/gal discount to Boat US members. There are 5 loopers here. That tells you a lot about how great the service is here.


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