Saturday, September 23, 2006

Senca, IL to Peoria, IL

We left Spring Brook at 11:00 AM on 9/21/06 after a couple weeks of getting the boat in order and visiting our son Jeff in Dallas where he was pinned as a Chief Petty Officer in the U.S. Navy. Springbrook marina has the best Carver service department. If you have a problem call Tammy.

We arrived in Henry in the dark at 7:30 PM after waiting over 3 hours each of two locks we went thru. Henry Marina is a two anchor marina but it does have a bar/resturant, clean showers and $0.50/foot. In the picture above you can see a house boat almost backing up into a trawler.

We left Henry at 10:00 AM on the 22nd and arrived at the IVY Club around 1:30 PM. Very confusing finding the slip but a very nice marina. $1.00/foot and $3.00/gal gas.

By traveling at only 8 MPH we got 1.8 miles/gal. Wow. Better then our usual 0.6 MPG.

There is a sailing regatta today (yes in the IL River). We meet Kori's parents tonight and get to see Kori and Chris again.


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