Saturday, September 09, 2006

Leaving Chicago Sept 3rd Day 2

We left Chicago's Dusable Marina ay 6:55 AM. We arrived at Spring Brook Marina (a great place to stop) at 3:20 PM. The days trip was 78.1 sm. We went through 4 locks and had the Amtrak bridge open for us.

The Chicago lock opened after about 2 minutes wait and the Amtrak bridge had the same fast opeing. We were on a roll.

We lucked out at the Lockport lock. The first half of a 3x5 barge was just out of the lock and we were allowed to go in behinds the cans and into the lock. We waited 5 minutes at the most.

At Joliet the lock master talked a North going barge to let him bring up an empty lock of water so we could gonw South. That was grat with a 10 - 15 minute wait at the most.

At Dresden we went right in no wait.

I should have bought a lotteyr ticket that day.


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