Friday, September 08, 2006

We started the loop Cruising Day 1 9/2/06

We have started the loop. On September 1st we tried to leave Winthrop Harbor, IL but there was small craft warnings with waves 3 to 5 feet so we chicked out. We did leave on September 2nd with waves 2 to 4 feet out of North Point and 1 to 3 feet when we arrived in Chicago.

Sue's friend Cindy and her husband Ken visited us by riding their bikes from a hotel they were staying at for the week end.

The picture on the right shows our two burgees flying as we pull into Chicago. The burgee on the right is the DuPage Power Squadron and the one on the lef is America's Great Loop Cruising Association's burgee.

The weather was great that day and the trip on the Lake was pleasant.


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