Sunday, December 10, 2006

Twin Dolphins Marina: Bradenton

To the right is the Sun Shine bridge in Tampa Bay. We headed past it to the Mantee River, which was 10 to 15 miles ahead. It turned up that we made it to the slip before dark.
When we arrived at Twin Dolphins and checked in I found an old friend. Charlie Price. Cgarlie was the harbor master at North Point Marina in IL. He is now the harbor master at Twin Dolphins. Charlie was the best harbor master we ever had at North Point.
Each month one of the docks holds a breakfast for the whole marina. The money for the food is provided by the marina. There was also Bloody Mary's available.
Jerry calling home. Yes those are palm trees. Here are some stats for Phase II of our trip from Mobile Bay, AL to Bradenton, FL.

10 days on the water.
570 miles on the water
Anchored once in the Gulf
Over 40 hours of engine time

The pool and hot tub area.
The statue of the Manetee and her cub is right in front of the marina.


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