Thursday, March 01, 2007

Fort Myers

We made it Ft Myers. Sue is standing by a fountain that has a statue of Edison, Ford and Firestone.

Stop by the Legacy Harbour Marina and visit us. We're here until Jeff and Lisa visit us.
Once again, we're the baby boat of the harbor. Of course this marina is so posh the spell "harbor" "harbour".

We are parked between two boat owners who flew for United. Looks like I picked the wrong career
Check out our cannon. We are really well protected from the Conch Navy.
Sea Planes must land on the river once in a while.
The marina ran a dinner for all the boaters. Famous Dave's did the spread and it was great. We're at a able with some boaters from South Carolina and Canada. There are a lot of boaters from the great white north.
What fun the Ft Myers musem is. Here we see the citys Iron Lung.


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